Sunday, July 1, 2012


Reflections in The Mirror

How often do you look in the mirror and the reflection looking back at you is smeared with splashed toothpaste, finger prints & other dirty marks that you have no idea what they are made from? Especially when you have kids! Oh and we cant forget the husband now, can we?

If you are anything like me, I love very clean mirrors & windows. But I'm very fussy when it comes to mirrors, I love smear, streak free, crystal clean mirrors.

Over the years I have tried some great window cleaners and some not so great ones & often wonder what was going through their heads when they formulated the one that left more smears & streaks than before you started cleaning in the first place!

Then one day I was introduced to an Amway one by a friend & I was hooked!!! It was the best no streak window cleaner I had ever used, ever. Until I decided to spend my time investing in the health of my family & went on a quest so to speak, to find safe chemical free natural homemade cleaning products that would also lessen the impact on the environment.

Well I searched the internet for what I would consider the best of the best & I am thrilled to say I have found it!!

Let me introduce you to the "Super Streak Free" best window cleaner ever & it only cost.....wait for it...... approximately 50c, Wow!! For a whole bottle of window cleaner.

The blue one is my window cleaner & the yellow bottle 
my citrus all purpose surface spray.

I ran around the house cleaning every conceivable shiny surface I could, I was so excited I just had to show it off to Mr Clean Freak himself. He wanted me to clean his car windows lol! 


Homemade Glass Cleaner 4: Vinegar, Alcohol, Cornstarch, Water

Alvin Corn Homemade Glass Cleaner 
  • 1/4 c. rubbing alcohol
  • 1/2 c. white vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp cornstarch
  • 2 c. warm water
  • 1 drop blue food coloring (optional)
Combine everything in a spray bottle, and shake well. Shake well before using, too, as the cornstarch might settle at the bottom (and subsequently plug the spray mechanism if it’s not mixed in well).
What does "Alvin Corn" stand for? (Alcohol-Vinegar-Cornstarch)
I use Viva paper towel to clean my mirrors as it leaves them clean without leaving lint.
Tip time: For extra-shiny, streak-free mirrors, do a final wipe with (black and white) newspaper. It’s kinda awesome. I know my friend Linda M will omit this one lol!
Not to mention, it’s completely nontoxic, you can simply reuse your old cleaner bottle over and over and over again, and you’re not spraying nasty things all up in the air for your kids, spouses, and pets to breathe in.
Happy Cleaning!!

Kitty Kat xx

Monday, May 21, 2012

Home Made Yougurt

So Easy Crock Pot Yogurt 

Why Homemade Yogurt?

Like most things homemade, yogurt you make yourself is better:
  • It tastes better
  • It's better for you (no preservatives, sugar or chemicals added)
  • It's less expensive
  • There's no packaging waste
I love making homemade yogurt!! I have to admit that my first two attempts at making yogurt in my crock pot failed dismally!
After some disappointment, and wanting to quit, I decided to give it one last try doing it a little differently, & I have to say I am one very happy yogurt maker!!
Plus I don't quit easily!! I love the challenge.

I love that homemade yogurt is so healthy for you. One of the main benefits apart from the protein, calcium, vitamins & minerals, are the probiotics. They are a good source of bacteria for the gut & intestines, promoting better digestion and an improved immune system. You also don't have all the added preservatives, flavoring agents and additives you get in store-bought yogurt.

So here we go! Step by step. Now this one worked for me. I tried heating the milk in the crock pot for 2 hours & cooling it down for 3, but it just would not work for me! It would not set. It is very important that the yogurt stays warm for as long as possible. I also am a bit impatient, so the less waiting I have to do the better!! This yogurt is so quick & easy to do. I have put a lot of research into yogurt making, so enjoy!

Step 1. Turn the crock pot on low to heat up. You must do this so your pot is at the correct temp before you add your milk.
Take out your starter yogurt to warm up a little before adding it to your warm milk. If you have frozen your starter you will need to thaw it out and drain any remaining whey. 
Using a fresh starter will give you mild tasting yogurt. Using an older yogurt for your starter will give you a final result that has a more  prominent sour note . 
I use Mundella or Jalna (Jalna make these gorgeous little tiny pots of yogurt). Ideally you want one with the most number of cultures in it, & it must be all natural yogurt & fresh.

Step 2. Pour two liters or about 8 cups of Full Cream milk into a large saucepan & add 1/2 cup of powdered milk, (this is optional, I found this gave a much nicer, creamier yogurt. Alternatively you can Hold your milk at 85°C for thirty minutes before cooling and adding your starter. This is how brands that do not use pectin or other thickeners achieve thicker results. The extended heating changes the milk proteins, and enables them to remove more of the water in milk, you also lose some more water to evaporation).
You can use Low Fat Milk but the less fat the milk has, the thinner the yogurt will be.
Heat milk till it reaches about  85°C. stirring occasionally, you don't want to burn the milk.

You should see tiny bubble form in the surface. Your milk does not need to boil.

Step 3. Once your milk reaches temperature, remove the pot and put it in a sink with cold water. Making sure the water doesn't flow into the pot. (I don't bother adding ice now). This will help your milk cool down a lot faster. You want your milk to reach between 40°C-45°C (this is where the cultures reproduce themselves &  consume the sugar found in milk, called lactose. As a result, the milk thickens or curdles, and lactic acid is produced as a byproduct. The lactic acid gives yogurt its "tangy" taste, and preserves the milk from spoiling). I usually set my timer for 10 minutes so I don't forget to check it. Too hot a milk will kill off the cultures & too cool a milk will not allow enough heat to cultivate enough culture to make yogurt.

Step 4. Measure your starter into a glass bowl. You need two tablespoons per liter of milk, so I add 4 tablespoons. To this you add half a cup of the warmed milk and stir thoroughly.
Pour warm milk into your heated crock pot & then stir in the remaining milk and culture. Unplug your crock pot and put the lid back on.

Step 5. The incubation Process. lay out a large thick towel & on top of that i lay out a survival blanket that I have cut in half. This you can get from a chemist or camping store. I found this was the best way to keep the heat from escaping from the crock pot. It can also be used over again for more yogurt making. You can use your oven, or a warming mat also.

I pop my crock pot in my North facing window, this is the window that gets the most direct sun through the whole day. I start my yogurt in the morning that way I can leave it there all day. It is important not to disturb it during the incubation period. The milk needs to stay at an even 40-45°C while developing.

Now you need to let it sit for 7-10 hours. The longer you leave yogurt to cultivate the tangier the taste & the thicker it will be. I like to leave mine for 7 hours to lessen the tang factor as the kids don't like it much. 

Step 6. Once the yogurt is finished culturing, place the crock pot in the fridge. this is important as it allows the yogurt to thicken up & set better. Do not disrupt the yogurt, I allow it to sit till the next morning.

I must say that when I realized my yogurt had set, I was doing a little dance around the kitchen, I was so excited!

Here it is.....thick yogurt.

 Step 7. Ladle your yogurt into a colander lined with cheese cloth. This is optional. If you would like your yogurt thinner then you can go ahead and give your yogurt a good stir & ladle it into Sterilized Jars. Then pop it in the fridge.

I like thicker yogurt so I prefer to drain off some of the whey. The longer you leave it the thicker the yogurt becomes, so if you like Greek style yogurt leave it longer. You can see the whey in the glass bowl below, this you can use for:

  • cooking cakes,pancakes, waffles, muffins, biscuits, 
  • Use it to lacto-ferment vegetables, condiments, sauerkraut, chutneys, jams.
  • Freeze it for later
  • Add it to soups and stews.
  • Use it to cook your pastas, potatoes, oatmeal, or rice. Boiling the whey will cause it to lose it’s raw properties. However, if you feel like you are drowning in whey, this is a wonderful way to use it up and add extra flavor to the foods.
  • Add it to homemade fruit smoothies or milkshakes. 

Don't forget to set aside 1/2 cup of yogurt for your next batch. You can freeze it too.

So there you have it! The most amazing homemade natural yogurt. 
You can then make your own fruit sauces to flavor it or drizzle honey on it, add muesli or anything else your little heart desires. Our favorite is strawberry sauce, raspberry sauce or mango sauce & tinned fruit. Or if your game you can learn how to bottle your own fruit and use that, it is simply endless what you could do.


Kitty Kat xx

Thursday, April 19, 2012

New Beginnings

I'm Back!! Finally have the internet working, so I can start blogging. I have been itching to start up again. 
Sitting here enjoying the spell of burnt toast...Not! Just reach for my home made Air Freshener & problem solved.

We have moved location from beautiful Rockingham (Tiny slice of heaven) to the beautiful South coast of Bunbury ( equally a tiny slice of heaven). A new chapter in the life of the Edwards family.

We have settled in beautifully.

This is just one of three parks & lakes that we have near home. Bliss!

Great way so spent the afternoon going for a bike ride. Fresh air and exercise.

I have to say I love it here!! Semi Rural lifestyle with the added bonus of being close to the water, what more could you ask for? Two minute walk to the Treendale Shopping Centre past one of the lakes & parks on a beautiful day.

I'm home. It feels as though we have lived here forever. The change was hard, saying see ya to all our friends & family, who are only a minute away & now are at least a good hour and fifteen away, so we cant just catch up for a cuppa.

But I look forward to starting again, making some new friends & or course not forgetting our old ones, my door is always open.

New Beginnings..... I welcome you with open arms! I look forward to a future not yet revealed. How exciting!

Kitty Kat xx

Monday, February 27, 2012

Looks Like a Dogs Been Licking My Plates!!

Does Your Dishwasher Clean Like a Dogs Been Licking Your Plates?!!

Not anymore!! Here is what I would consider to be the best all NATURAL dishwasher powder & Rinse Aid that works!

Dishwasher detergent: BEST!!
costs pennies

1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda (not baking soda)
¼ cup Sea Salt
¼ cup Baking Soda
1/8 cup Citric Acid
¼ cup Lux Soap Flakes crushed

Mix together & fill your empty Dishwasher container.

Rinse Aid
Important!!! You must not omit this step from your washing cycle or I will not be held responsible for how your dishes come out!

Brown Vinegar or White Vinegar with blue food coloring

I chose to use brown vinegar so I could see it in the tiny little Rinse Aid window & not the Food coloring one as I have a large white plastic strainer on the bottom of mine.

That's it! Yup that's it! Simple really, not rocket science you know, just good old fashioned fish and chips vinegar. Who would have thought?

My dishes come out super clean & have no watermarks! Ever! Actually I would say the inside of my machine has never looked so clean.

ok your dishwasher should look something like this.......


Kitty Kat

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Keeping it Clean & Green

One thing that I have really wanted to change in my life is the amount of impact that chemicals have on myself, my family and my environment. It is important that we teach not only our children to take care of themselves, but that they take care of the world around them. 

I attempted a couple of years ago to make my own cleaning products, but like other things sometimes do, it fell by the wayside. So I resorted to purchasing the Eco friendly versions from the supermarket. But some of them to my frustration just weren't cutting it for me or the grease lol! And they can be expensive. Let you in on a little the ingredient labels. Most of what is in them you can buy cheap like me and make yourself for pennies. Not sure of an ingredient? Internet ladies. Its a world of knowledge out there & knowledge is POWER!! 

So it wasn't till a few weeks ago that I read a friends blog and thanks to her I have my passion for everything green back! Thanks she has a great blog.

So, as some of you know quite well i'm a research junky! and anything I can find on the net is fair game. I looked at so many recipes for homemade cleaning products it would make your head spin! I looked at what each everyday item you purchased from the supermarket did, what its power was and I would have to say I am impressed!! those extremely cheap items your grandma and great grandma's used to use all those prehistoric days ago. Lol! OK maybe not that long ago, are great.
They were on to something there. It is so healthy, incredibly cheap and great for the world around us. Did I also mention FUN? yes I actually enjoy making these easy concoctions in my science lab (laundry). Oh! and the kids can make it with you! Start them young and they will be set for life. 

So I want to share with you a few that I have found to be the best. I have modified a couple to make them even better.

So I hope you enjoy the recipes and you also have fun while keeping those nasty chemicals from having an impact on your family and the environment.


3 Cups Borax
3 Cups Lectic Soda (not the crystals)
3 Cups Lux Soap Flakes crushed up (or grate a bar of laundry soap. I would find this tedious and time consuming)! Lux Flakes smell gorgeous in the laundry.
3 Cups of Nappy San (I found a sensitive skin one from woolies) 

Mix all together and store in a container. Use a 1/4 cup per load.

Should look something like this

you will love this. Cant get any easier & will not wreck your machine. 

liter bottle of White Vinegar
Eucalyptus oil
Tea tree oil

Pore equal amounts of  Tea Tree & Eucalyptus oil into the Vinegar. Strong enough that you can smell it when you take it out of the wash. Sorry I just pored and didn't think to measure. I love the freshness of the clothes. I also have to watch what I use because my son gets eczema. Both these oils are antibacterial, anti microbial, anti fungal. Impressive! 

I need to make some more!

So there you have it. Time is running away from me, so I will try and do Auto Dish washing Powder and Rinse Aid tomorrow, so keep your eye out for the next post. 
I should also mention that my whites come out white. Stain removing power, just use a Sard Soap bar rubbed in and let it go to town.

I am also happy to tell you, my man has not complained once, even about the smell of his clothes. I think he's just happy i'm saving us money & having fun doing it.


Kitty Kat x

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hello Blog World

Wow! Here I am in blog land! Kind of scares me a bit, I sat here last night, with no idea what to write. I was afraid it would take me all night! Which it did. Facebook, got that down pat, but blogging.... that's a whole other way of life, I just haven't managed to master yet. 
I have my own web site and i'm in the process of designing my friends web site That is a place that I am familiar with. 
Here now? not a place I am familiar with. Its a lot harder to write your thoughts down, well for me anyway. 

So here I am, my blog will have no theme as such, but just a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Pieces of me. The things I love. The people I love. The places I love, and so on. So enjoy!


Kat xx

This is one of those things I love......a lot!