Monday, February 27, 2012

Looks Like a Dogs Been Licking My Plates!!

Does Your Dishwasher Clean Like a Dogs Been Licking Your Plates?!!

Not anymore!! Here is what I would consider to be the best all NATURAL dishwasher powder & Rinse Aid that works!

Dishwasher detergent: BEST!!
costs pennies

1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda (not baking soda)
¼ cup Sea Salt
¼ cup Baking Soda
1/8 cup Citric Acid
¼ cup Lux Soap Flakes crushed

Mix together & fill your empty Dishwasher container.

Rinse Aid
Important!!! You must not omit this step from your washing cycle or I will not be held responsible for how your dishes come out!

Brown Vinegar or White Vinegar with blue food coloring

I chose to use brown vinegar so I could see it in the tiny little Rinse Aid window & not the Food coloring one as I have a large white plastic strainer on the bottom of mine.

That's it! Yup that's it! Simple really, not rocket science you know, just good old fashioned fish and chips vinegar. Who would have thought?

My dishes come out super clean & have no watermarks! Ever! Actually I would say the inside of my machine has never looked so clean.

ok your dishwasher should look something like this.......


Kitty Kat

1 comment:

  1. Oh I forgot to mention you only need 15ml of powder, thats it, no more no less. Will last ages.
