Thursday, April 19, 2012

New Beginnings

I'm Back!! Finally have the internet working, so I can start blogging. I have been itching to start up again. 
Sitting here enjoying the spell of burnt toast...Not! Just reach for my home made Air Freshener & problem solved.

We have moved location from beautiful Rockingham (Tiny slice of heaven) to the beautiful South coast of Bunbury ( equally a tiny slice of heaven). A new chapter in the life of the Edwards family.

We have settled in beautifully.

This is just one of three parks & lakes that we have near home. Bliss!

Great way so spent the afternoon going for a bike ride. Fresh air and exercise.

I have to say I love it here!! Semi Rural lifestyle with the added bonus of being close to the water, what more could you ask for? Two minute walk to the Treendale Shopping Centre past one of the lakes & parks on a beautiful day.

I'm home. It feels as though we have lived here forever. The change was hard, saying see ya to all our friends & family, who are only a minute away & now are at least a good hour and fifteen away, so we cant just catch up for a cuppa.

But I look forward to starting again, making some new friends & or course not forgetting our old ones, my door is always open.

New Beginnings..... I welcome you with open arms! I look forward to a future not yet revealed. How exciting!

Kitty Kat xx